Working in Gruppometa

Some bureaucratic details Link to heading

  • company: M.E.T.A. Srl
  • contract: Italian NCLA, full time
  • place: in-office - Ospedaletto, Pisa, PI
  • start: September 2016
  • end: May 2018

As a Software Engineer (09/2016 - 05/2018) Link to heading

Summary Link to heading

I have worked in M.E.T.A. Srl as a Backend Developer. I also did some tiny part of frontend but those can be summarised as “fiddling with jQuery and defining Views in a MVC architecture”.

This is where I started getting the hang of VCS and web development, especially for the backend part.

Role & Responsibilities Link to heading

As a backend developer, I had the following responsibilities:

  • maintaining and developing museum websites
  • developing and maintaining features for a custom CMS of a school books publishing company
  • contributing to a national cultural heritage ad-hoc CMS
  • exploring newer versions of PHP 7 and the usage of PHPUnit

Involved technologies Link to heading

Although this web agency was rather focussed on LAMP stack + JS, I touched different technologies:

  • PHP 5.3, 5.6, 7+ - as the go-to backend language
  • MySQL - as the go-to RDBMS
  • (loads of) XML - as the main language to define different components of the in-house framework
  • In-house PHP web framework - an internal “spiritual twin” of laravel
  • GitLab - for VCS
  • Solr - as a full-text search database
  • jQuery - as one of the frontend technologies shipped in the in-house MVC framework