
About me, professionally Link to heading

Basically, I am a developer/engineer and I have been working in software engineering since December 2015. My 7+ years of experience are mainly focused in back-end application development and I spent these years with the intent of getting continuously better in software engineering by working in different companies, each one with different technologies and ways of work. I believe that this heterogeneous set of experiences allows me to be fairly versatile and pick up new tech with little friction.

Job Experience Link to heading

This (badly) formatted timeline describes my relevant job experience in software engineering, as you can imagine, the further you go back, the foggier is my memory about that.

Education Link to heading

My experience is also backed up with some relevant education in high school and university and this helped me in make my skill grow even more since I already had some fundamentals before beginning to work 40h+ a week.

Again, the “further => foggier memory” rule applies.