Hello there ๐Ÿ‘‹

Well, hello kind visitor! You’re here probably for one of the following reasons:

  • I pestered you to look at my site because I am proud of booting up a static site without knowing a thing about HTML and CSS
  • You were curious enough to bump into my site from GitHub
  • You were curious enough to click on my “Featured” LinkedIn section
  • I was brave enough to make my few social networks know about this site

Whatever is the reason, feel free to roam in this site however you want! like I had the power to force you to do otherwise

What to expect from this site Link to heading

The original intent of this site is to have a personal homepage focused on my professional background and an excuse to play with some static site generator, GH Pages, and GH Actions (more on this here).

This can of course change in the future, depending on my needs or my wishes, but for now you can expect that.

Who I am Link to heading

Aseptic info Link to heading

My name is Marco Catapano and I was born in Pisa some point in time in the 90s. I lived there for 28 years before moving, not so far away, in Pistoia.

I graduated in Computer Science in Pisa and, predictably enough, since then I worked (and am working) as a Software Engineer/Developer (I still can’t differentiate the two terms, so I’ll say both). If you want to know more about my professional background, you might want to go here

Other not so important info Link to heading

Apart from tech/coding, I can say I am curious and I tend to jump from an interest to another depending on the moment: there are times where I look at PC parts and compare different pieces, (a lot of) times where I google the first thing that crosses my mind, times where I play videogames or watch Twitch streams, times where I try to understand the basics of finance or science, or doing freestyle football tricks, etc.

I don’t have interesting things to say about me, maybe the most striking one is the following:

I am a coffee-free code producer

Speaks volumes about how interesting I am, doesn’t it?

Where to find me Link to heading

If you’re still interested in chatting with me, you can find me in: